Hospitals and health care system there when we need them
I want to say a big thank you to all who offered thoughts and prayers for me today as I underwent umbilical hernia surgery at Langley Memorial Hospital today. I was a bit nervous, having not had a general anaesthetic since 1979. I had found it challenging to come out of at that time. My experience today was simply great on all counts. My thanks to surgeon Dr. Scott Cowie, anaesthetist Dr. Colin Sinclair and the terrific nurses in the surgical daycare centre and operating room. I am pleased to say that all went well and I was able to come home five hours after surgery. My loving and supportiuve spouse Bonnie Bucholtz is now pampering me to help me heal as quickly as possible. We often complain about our health care system. and it does have problems at times with timely diagnosis, long waits at busy emergency rooms (such as LMH) and an inability of many people to obtain a family doctor. On the flip side, the treatment we get at hospitals is superb, the staff are extremely prof...